By Sekaggya Seka Moses
Mubende District Local Government has officially released the results for the Joint Mock Examinations 2024.

Hon. Kayonde Isaac Muwanguzi, District Executive Secretary for Education and Sports, presented the results on behalf of LCV Chairperson Hon. Muherezza Michael Ntambi.
Notable Improvements and Performance
Hon. Kayonde Isaac noted a significant improvement in the results compared to the previous year, attributing the success to the implementation of measures supporting pupil performance.
The removal of the 10,000 mock fee enabled all government school pupils to take the exams.
Overall Statistics
A total of 5,626 candidates registered for the mock exams, comprising 3,618 from government-aided schools and 2,008 from private schools.
The candidate breakdown by gender is 3,049 females and 2,577 males.
Performance by Division
The results show 274 candidates (4.9%) passing in Division 1, 1,214 candidates (21.6%) in Division 2, 619 candidates (11%) in Division 3, and 1,528 candidates (27.2%) in Division 4. Unfortunately, 1,851 candidates (32.9%) failed, and 140 candidates (2.5%) missed sitting some papers.
Subject Performance
English was the best-performed subject, with 8.1% passing with distinction and 49.3% passing with at least a credit.
Social Studies followed, with 3.2% passing with distinction and 32.6% with at least a credit.
Mathematics showed 9.6% passing with distinction and 29.8% with at least a credit. Science was the most challenging subject, with 2.1% passing with distinction and 23.4% with at least a credit.
Gender Performance
The pass rate for females was 63.6%, with 1,939 out of 3,049 passing, while males recorded a 65.8% pass rate, with 1,696 out of 2,577 passing.
Best and Worst Performing Areas
Kyenda Town Council emerged as the top-performing lower local government, with 45.3% of its candidates passing in Division 1 and 2.
In contrast, Kiruuma Sub County recorded the lowest performance, with only 4.8% passing in Division 1 and 2.
With a pass rate of 64.6%, Mubende District shows promise for the upcoming PLE exams.
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