G77+China: Hidden Facts Behind The Formation Of This Group & Its Intentions

By Our Binocular

The Group of 77 (G77) at the United Nations (UN) is a coalition of 135 developing countries, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations.

 There were 77 founding members of the organization headquartered in Geneva, but it has since expanded to 135 member countries. Uganda holds its chairmanship for 2024, succeeding Cuba.

The group was founded on 15 June 1964, by 77 non-aligned nations in the “Joint Declaration of the Seventy-Seven Countries” issued at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

The first major meeting was in Algiers in 1967, where the Charter of Algiers was adopted and the basis for permanent institutional structures was begun under the leadership of Raul Prebisch who had previously worked at ECLA

There are Chapters of the Group of 77 in Geneva (UN), Rome (FAO), Vienna (UNIDO), Paris (UNESCO), Nairobi (UNEP) and the Group of 24 in Washington, D.C. (International Monetary Fund and World Bank).


Current Founding Members

  1.  Afghanistan
  2.  Algeria
  3.  Argentina
  4.  Bangladesh
  5.  Benin[a]
  6.  Bolivia
  7.  Brazil
  8.  Burkina Faso[b]
  9.  Burundi
  10.  Cambodia
  11.  Cameroon
  12.  Central African Republic
  13.  Chad
  14.  Chile
  15.  Colombia
  16.  Congo
  17.  DR Congo
  18.  Costa Rica
  19.  Dominican Republic
  20.  Ecuador
  21.  Egypt[c]
  22.  El Salvador
  23.  Ethiopia
  24.  Gabon
  25.  Ghana
  26.  Guatemala
  27.  Guinea
  28.  Haiti
  29.  Honduras
  30.  India
  31.  Indonesia
  32.  Iran
  33.  Iraq
  34.  Jamaica
  35.  Jordan
  36.  Kenya
  37.  Kuwait
  38.  Laos
  39.  Lebanon
  40.  Liberia
  41.  Libya
  42.  Madagascar
  43.  Malaysia
  44.  Mali
  45.  Mauritania
  46.  Mexico[d]
  47.  Morocco
  48.  Myanmar[e]
  49.    Nepal
  50.  Nicaragua
  51.  Niger
  52.  Nigeria
  53.  Pakistan
  54.  Panama
  55.  Paraguay
  56.  Peru
  57.  Philippines
  58.  Rwanda
  59.  Saudi Arabia
  60.  Senegal
  61.  Sierra Leone
  62.  Somalia
  63.  Sri Lanka[f]
  64.  Sudan
  65.  Syria
  66.  Tanzania[g]
  67.  Thailand
  68.  Togo
  69.  Trinidad and Tobago
  70.  Tunisia
  71.  Uganda
  72.  Uruguay
  73.  Venezuela
  74.  Vietnam
  75.  Yemen

Other Current Members

  1.  Angola
  2.  Antigua and Barbuda
  3.  Azerbaijan
  4.  Bahamas
  5.  Bahrain
  6.  Barbados
  7.  Belize
  8.  Bhutan
  9.  Botswana
  10.  Brunei Darussalam
  11.  China[h]
  12.  Cabo Verde
  13.  Comoros
  14.  Côte D’Ivoire
  15.  Cuba
  16.  Djibouti
  17.  Dominica
  18.  Equatorial Guinea
  19.  Eritrea
  20.  Eswatini[i]
  21.  Fiji
  22.  The Gambia
  23.  Grenada
  24.  Guinea-Bissau
  25.  Guyana
  26.  Kiribati
  27.  Lesotho
  28.  Malawi
  29.  Maldives
  30.  Marshall Islands
  31.  Mauritius
  32.  Federated States of Micronesia
  33.  Mongolia
  34.  Mozambique
  35.  Namibia
  36.  North Korea
  37.  Nauru
  38.  Oman
  39.  Palestine
  40.  Papua New Guinea
  41.  Qatar
  42.  Saint Kitts and Nevis
  43.  Saint Lucia
  44.  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  45.  Samoa
  46.  São Tomé and Príncipe
  47.  Seychelles
  48.  Singapore
  49.  Solomon Islands
  50.  South Africa
  51.  South Sudan
  52.  Suriname
  53.  Tajikistan
  54.  East Timor
  55.  Tonga
  56.  Turkmenistan
  57.  United Arab Emirates
  58.  Vanuatu
  59.  Zambia
  60.  Zimbabwe


The Group of 77 lists China as one of its members. The Chinese government provides consistent political support to the G77 and has made financial contributions to the Group since 1994, but it does not consider itself to be a member. As a result, official statements of the G77 are delivered in the name of The Group of 77 and China or G77+China.

Presiding Countries

The following is the chain of succession of the chairmanship of the G77:

Presiding countryYear
 Costa Rica1996
 South Africa2006
 Antigua and Barbuda2008
 South Africa2015

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