By Sekaggya Seka Moses
A devastating incident has shaken the community of Ngandu village, Mukono Central, after a 42-year-old man, Wakabi James, allegedly poisoned himself and his two young daughters, Ainomugisha Abigail, 3, and Sabano Danella, 2.
The tragic event is believed to have been triggered by Wakabi’s wife leaving him and taking all her belongings.
According to eyewitnesses, neighbors discovered Wakabi and his children vomiting on the night of January 19, 2025, around 11:00 p.m.
The local leadership was alerted, and the family was rushed to Mukono General Hospital, where they were pronounced dead on arrival.
Preliminary investigations by the police reveal that the room where the incident occurred was locked from the inside with two padlocks, suggesting that Wakabi may have intentionally prevented anyone from intervening.
Officers found vomit near the door, clothing stained with vomitus, and a colorless liquid in a flask suspected to be poison.
The bodies of the deceased were transferred to the Mukono General Hospital mortuary, where post-mortem examinations revealed no external injuries.
As part of the ongoing investigation, authorities have recovered powder and a flask containing the suspected poison, which will be subject to further analysis.
The police are working to establish the exact circumstances surrounding the incident, including the events leading up to the tragic deaths.
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