By Sekaggya Seka Moses

As the 2026 elections approach, Nabawanuka Sumayah, a member of the National Unity Platform (NUP) and resident of Mubende, is calling on her community to give a chance to one of their own to lead and develop their homeland.

Left Hon Lubega Bashir Sempa, Nabawanuka Sumayah

Sumayah, who has expressed interest in the Mubende municipal MP seat, emphasizes the importance of having a representative who truly understands the needs and challenges of the local people.

“It’s time for us to take charge of our own destiny,” Sumayah says. “We need someone who knows our struggles, our culture, and our aspirations. Someone who will prioritize our development and growth.”

Sumayah’s appeal comes as a response to the previous election, where Hajji Lubega Bashir Sempa, a member of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and resident of Kasanda district, won the Mubende municipal seat.

Notably, Sempa owns a school in Kasanda district, Kiganda High School, which has raised questions about his commitment to Mubende’s development.

Nabawanuka Sumayah with Bobi Wine during 2021 campaigns

“While we appreciate Sempa’s contributions, it’s clear that his interests are divided,” Sumayah says.

Mubende people deserve a representative who will put their interests first, not someone with existing commitments in another district.

As an NUP member, I am committed to putting the needs of our community first.”

Sumayah’s roots in Mubende run deep. She was born at Mubende Main Hospital and grew up in the police barracks, where her parents, Hajati Amina Nantongo and Hassan Babi, were residing.

Her parents later moved to Church Road and then to Kattabalanga in South Division, where they currently reside.

“My parents have lived in Mubende all their lives,” Sumayah says. “They’ve seen the challenges we face, and they’ve worked hard to build a better life for our family. I want to do the same for our community.”

Sumayah believes that having a leader who is deeply rooted in Mubende is crucial for the community’s growth.


“We need someone who will work tirelessly to address our unique challenges and create opportunities for our community,” she stresses.

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