Smuggling: Azam Energy Drink Worth Millions Impounded, Transporter To Cough UGX26m

By Our Binocular

Uganda Revenue Authority has impounded 145 cartons of Azam energy drink in Kabonera along the Kamuli – Rakai road that had been smuggled into the country.

The URA Bugango sector team yesterday early morning impounded a Toyota Ipsum registration UAX 439F carrying the uncustomed energy drink which came into Uganda through the porous borders in the south.

Customs officer Abdullatif Musau has said that the saga commenced with a crucial intel drop at around 10:00PM on Wednesday, unveiling the perpetrator’s intricate plans.

“Swiftly, we mobilized for an ambush, exploiting the element of surprise. As the clock struck 5:00AM yesterday, we nabbed the Ipsum fully loaded, but the guy jumped out of the car and scattered, taking advantage of the dark,” he explained.

The customs officer said that the impounded Ipsum has been caught a number of times with smuggled goods and penalizing it, but this time, URA will slap the owner with a punitive penalty.

“This vehicle was one time impounded in Masaka carrying uncustomed goods, and the owner paid the penalty. This time, we penalize him heavily so that he stops using his vehicle as a means of conveyance,” said Musau.

The smuggled energy drink made in Tanzania and their means of conveyance are currently parked at Ntuura, Isingiro.

Section 199 of the East Africa Community Customs Management Act (EACCMA) stipulates that a master of a vehicle used in smuggling commits an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding USD 7,000 equivalate to about UGX 26 million.

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