”Go Exploit Other Countries, We Won’t Put Our Local Industries At Risk”-Uganda Tightens Ban On Export Of Unrefined Minerals

By Caroline Kanshabe

The Ugandan Minister of State for Energy Peter Lokeris declared that it will not lift the ban imposed on exports of unrefined minerals in 2015.

The ban on export of unprocessed iron ore and other minerals was imposed to ensure enhanced growth of local industries and creation of increased local job opportunities in the country.

The Minister reiterated the government’s decision to stay with the ban during the launch of 27th International Conference on Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) Committee meeting at the Speke Resort Munyonyo.

The ICGLR Mineral Tracking and Certification Scheme aims to establish sustainable conflict-free mineral chains between member states. It targets to curb illegal exploitation of natural resources and deliver transparent mineral trade.

The government has already announced several proactive measures to lead the fight against illegal exploitation and illicit trade of designated natural resources in the region.

The establishment of a biometric registration system for miners and construction of mineral beneficiation centres have helped a lot in formalizing of Uganda’s mining sector.

The country is said to have rich resources of several industrial minerals such as cobalt, copper, gold, iron ore, tantalite, steel, and lithium.

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