By Sekaggya Seka Moses

Kampala, Uganda – In a significant development, Parliament has granted Democratic Party’s Richard Lumu (Mityana South) leave to present a Private Member’s Bill aimed at reforming the opposition leadership selection process.

Left Hon Richard Lumu presenting amendments, Right it’s a photo of LOP Joel Ssenyonyi who didn’t attend regional parliament in Gulu

Lumu’s bill proposes that all Opposition MPs participate in the election of the Leader of Opposition and Chief Opposition Whip, rather than having them imposed by the main Opposition Party in Parliament, to ensure inclusive elections, prevent imposed leadership, align with democratic principles, prevent future leadership disputes, and ensure accountability.

Currently, the Leader of Opposition is nominated by the opposition party with the most MPs, under Section 82(a) of the Constitution, established in 1995.

Hon Abed Bwanika during regional plenary in Gulu with other opposition mps

Lumu argued that democratic principles demand inclusive elections, citing examples such as Catholics voting for the Pope and Ugandans electing their President. Similarly, MPs elect the Speaker of Parliament.

“Why should the Leader of Opposition and Chief Opposition Whip be exempt from these democratic principles we claim to profess?” Lumu questioned.

Former lop Mathais Mpuuga Nsamba handling over office to current lop Joel Ssenyonyi

The proposed changes come after Leader of Opposition Joel Ssenyonyi’s directive to boycott the Gulu plenary session, citing excessive spending of UGX 15 billion for the three-day session, or UGX 5 billion per day.

However, some opposition MPs defied Ssenyonyi’s directive, attending the session.

These included:Abed Bwanika (NUP), Twaha Kagabo (NUP, Bukoto Central),Richard Lumu (DP, Mityana South) and other opposition MPs.


Notably, similar amendments were previously considered by MPs Andrew Ajabali (former Kabale MP) and Medard Lubega Ssegona (Busiro MP) during the 10th Parliament but were unsuccessful.

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