By Repoter

LIRA, UGANDA – The Lira Catholic Diocese has suspended four priests indefinitely, citing undisclosed reasons.

Bishop Sanctus Lino Wanok addressing the congregation. PHOTO URN

The suspended priests are Fr. John Bosco Ojede, Fr. Joel Omeja, Fr. Moses Otom, and Fr. Alfred Okello Junior, who served in various parishes within the diocese.

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Opio, the Diocesan Chancellor, announced the suspension during an ordination ceremony at Lira Cathedral Ordination Ground, stripping the priests of their powers of order and governance with immediate effect.

He urged Christians to continue praying for the suspended priests.

According to canon law, a cleric can only be suspended if found guilty of committing a crime.

The chancellor also announced the transfer of several priests within the diocese.

Earlier in the day, Bishop Sanctus Lino Wanok ordained four new priests, emphasizing the importance of obedience, accountability, and dedication to their roles.

The newly ordained priests will continue their service in their previous parishes, bringing fresh zeal to their new roles.

The mother of one of the ordained priests, Imat Filda Opio, expressed joy and gratitude for her son’s calling, saying she will sleep soundly at night knowing her son is serving the Lord.

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