Among Refutes Claims Of Ugx100m Bribe To MPs, Denounces Diversionary Tactics Of Homosexuals

By Frank Kamuntu

Speaker Anita Among has refuted allegations suggesting that each Member of Parliament will receive Shs100 million as an inducement for approving the supplementary budget of Shs3.5 trillion.

Among dismissed the claims as diversionary tactics employed by politicians facing criticism for their association with gay movements.

“There is a group tarnishing this House, alleging that we have either received or are about to receive a bribe. These individuals are profiting from homosexuality; don’t cloak your misdeeds using Parliament,” said Among, responding to media reports from the President of the National Unity Platform (NUP) Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu and some MPs.

During the plenary session on Wednesday, December 12, 2023, Among emphasized that Parliament would not be sidetracked by misleading stories benefiting only a few.

“We won’t allow ourselves to be distracted by the gay movement, which is receiving foreign aid to erode our culture. If you’re taking their money and selling out your country, stay silent,” added Among, tasking Chairperson of the Budget Committee, Ignatius Mudimi, to verify if Parliament was included in the entities set to benefit from the Supplementary Budget.

Members of Parliament criticized those spreading rumors, with Bukimbiri County MP Eddie Kwizera suggesting that implicated members should be compelled to make statements in Parliament.

“Should we listen to gossip? Anyone who speaks on behalf of Parliament and is not the spokesperson is spreading rumors. It would be better for one of the MPs making such allegations to be invited to substantiate the claims,” Kwizera proposed.

Bukanga County MP Hon. Nathan Byanyima emphasized the need to underscore the expected decorum of Members of Parliament, stating that some of them fall ‘below the bar.’

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